Architectural design

The ideas of a modern architect can be implemented according to a long-established scheme. First, the conceived image is brought to a set of some simplified geometric volumes, drawn, then translated into drawings, refined and constructed in the process of working design, and what is designed can already be built.

Towns, townscapes

Towns, townscapes and squares

An appreciation of landscape – the aesthetic quality of the countryside – has been part of our culture for at least two hundred years,...
Architectural Drawings

Architectural Drawings New Uses in the Architectural Design Process

Architectural drawings role as a source of inspiration as well as a means for interpreting the past has always been key within the architectural...
Symmetry breaking

Symmetry breaking

In such a clear violation of symmetry, so beloved in early and high scholasticism, one can see the "Occam" dilemma of empiricism, visually confirming...
The history of architecture

The concept of completeness of the appearance of urban space

The history of architecture, presented by the traditional architectural school as an interconnected list of outstanding ensembles or objects, teaches us to see the...
Composition in the design of engineering structures

Composition in the design of engineering structures

Today, the consciousness of designers has come very close to transforming into artistic creativity the principles and techniques of those types of engineering design...
Le Corbusier Skyscrapers

Le Corbusier Skyscrapers

The Cartesian skyscraper is naked. The top and bottom of the original Manhattan model are amputated; the middle part is freed from the "old-fashioned" stone...
Symmetry of the composition of buildings and complexes

Symmetry of the composition of buildings and complexes

In the XVIII century. the process of forming large architectural complexes was completed. The peculiar features of the ensemble development of these complexes are...
Symmetry as an ideal of integrity

Symmetry as an ideal of integrity, beauty and harmony remains the...

The symmetry of a work of architecture, being at the same time a property of both the process of perception and the structure itself,...

Distortion and deformation of perspective images

With small viewing angles and the best choice of the position of the picture plane, the columns, when moving away from the viewer and...
symmetry in architecture

Historical conventionality of the culturological approach to the study of symmetry...

It seems that the symmetry method is able to systematize and analyze the perception of a symmetrical object. The process of perception includes several...