Sequential sketches
Sketching is about exploration, about learning to see places and architecture through the graphic experience. As such, the architectural illustrator is concerned with interpretation...
From sketch to plan making and documentary investigation
Sketching may on occasion be supplemented by drawing quick plans or sections. The sketch is a useful and enjoyable tool, but there are occasions...
Tradition and innovation. Sant’Andrea in Mantua
According to literature theorist Hans Robert Jauss, some of the most important works are those that are completely outside the horizon of the expectations...
Architecture Before the architects: Building S. Theodore’s Chapel of S. Mark’s...
The Chapel of San Teodoro, together with the new sacristy, was constructed immediately behind San Marco from 1486 to 1493, hemmed in by a...
The Tower of London
The Tower of London has a very interesting story behind it. It was begun by a man who was not even English, William of...
Postmodernism is the term used to describe the brash, diverse, witty and colorful architecture that emerged in the late 1960s as a reaction to...
A number of architects have felt the need to counter the “international” aspect of modern architecture. They prefer their buildings to express or respect...
Guarino Guarini: the First ‘Baroque’ architect
In her contribution to the conference Guarino Guarini e l’internazionalità del barocco of 1968, silvia bordini presented a historical overview of the criticism of...
From old to new: the transformation of the Castle of...
Articulated with the neighbouring villages of ourém and Pombal, Porto de Mós played a strategic role in the defence of the important cities of...
Architecture and oblivion. The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan
The majority of the Mayan cities, including those of the Classical period (roughly 250–900 CE) were rather dispersed settlements, adapted to a lowland tropical...