Features of the style of architecture of Russian architecture
What are the features of this style?
The traditions of the cross-dome system are preserved.
Local limestone is used, from the blocks of which...
Architectural Interpretation of the Pythagorean-Platonic Worldview Tradition
What was the beauty of the ideal model? The idea that number is the key to understanding the universe and its structure was adopted...
Ornamental symmetry and integral ornament
The conventional understanding of pointlessness is that we combine various basic lines, planes, surfaces and volumes with each other, regardless of what these parts...
The main styles in architecture
Architecture has always reflected periods of human existence, fashion and aesthetic ways. At the present stage of the development of civilization, a completely new...
Spatial axis and rhythm, metric, variations
The world is created - traditional philosophy teaches - and everything that is created by human hands is created like the world.
This idea, which...
Symmetry as a theory of artistic transformations and invariants
Perhaps we can say that symmetry is a kind of universal code by which information from the outside world is translated into an artificially...
Architectural embodiments of “ideas of symmetry”
All treatises talk about the need for self-knowledge, reading the "scroll" of one's being and the world. In other words, the process of cognition...
Architectural theory of the first half of the XX century
In the book "The Crisis of European Humanity and Transcendental Phenomenology" written in the mid-30s of our century, the greatest philosopher, idealist of our...
Renaissance Architect
The modern profession of architect originated in the Renaissance. In the changed historical conditions, an unusual type of customer first appeared. The new rulers...
Examples and features of constructing perspectives of various architectural objects
The perspective construction was carried out from the same observation point in the plan by the method of projections to the vertical, along with...