Traditions of symmetry in architecture

symmetry in architecture

Historical conventionality of the culturological approach to the study of symmetry...

It seems that the symmetry method is able to systematize and analyze the perception of a symmetrical object. The process of perception includes several...
Transmission of horizontal and vertical lines on the plane of spatial position

Transmission of horizontal and vertical lines on the plane of spatial...

When drawing architectural objects from nature, an essential part of the task is the transfer of the spatial position of horizontal and vertical lines...
Ornamental symmetry and integral ornament

Ornamental symmetry and integral ornament

The conventional understanding of pointlessness is that we combine various basic lines, planes, surfaces and volumes with each other, regardless of what these parts...
Spatial axis and rhythm

Spatial axis and rhythm, metric, variations

The world is created - traditional philosophy teaches - and everything that is created by human hands is created like the world. This idea, which...

Symmetry as a theory of artistic transformations and invariants

Perhaps we can say that symmetry is a kind of universal code by which information from the outside world is translated into an artificially...
Symmetry as a visual, visible harmony

Symmetry as a visual, visible harmony

The symmetrical compositions of French gardens of the XVII century, the "architecture" of greenery (geometric shapes of trees, shrubs and curtains) were a continuation...
Symmetry as a means of ordering architectural composition

Symmetry as a means of ordering architectural composition

The questions of the traditional language of architecture, the ways of adequate professional expression of ideas are still the most difficult for both the...
Architectonics of the concept of architectural symmetry

Architectonics of the concept of architectural symmetry

Escher depicted lizards, different in color, but not distinguishable in shape, placed on a plane according to symmetry transformations. Thus, the symmetrical ones include such...