Symmetry breaking

In such a clear violation of symmetry, so beloved in early and high scholasticism, one can see the "Occam" dilemma of empiricism, visually confirming...

Construction of perspective images of high-rise buildings

When constructing perspective images of high-rise buildings, an important role is played by the correct consideration of perspective vertical reduction. The method of projections...



Soft modernism

The Latest “Mind Architecture”

Scientific ideology and "intellectual control", according to the Italian critic of modern architecture Bruno Dzevi, can be called as analogies between the rationalism of...


Characteristic features of the architecture of tomorrow

The more real construction turns into a process of creating a rigid technogenic environment, more and more reminiscent of some kind of realized dystopia...


Symmetry breaking


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Attempts to catalog all possible variants of planning solutions for individual residential buildings of mass construction have been made repeatedly. In particular, in England in the 1960s, annual catalogues of recommended planning solutions for small residential buildings were published with accompanying schemes that make it possible to understand the features of numerous layouts.

All treatises talk about the need for self-knowledge, reading the "scroll" of one's being and the world. In other words, the process of cognition is presented as a constant search for similarity relations and connections between man and the...
Conquered by the Arabs in 711-713. In the 11th century. the Christian states of northern Spain returned part of the conquered territories, including Toledo, in 1085. 1212 - the defeat of the Moors in the battle of Las Navas...


Most people are familiar with the term “high-tech,” a combination of words that is used widely to describe the type of design that uses...

Architecture and Applied Art of Byzantium

Architecture and applied art of Byzantium — "the golden bridge between East and West". The artistic culture and architecture of Byzantium is the result...

Essential guide to selecting the perfect leather sofa for your home*

Embellishing your home with a leather sofa is a timeless and opulent choice. These sofas not only exude sophistication but are also known for...

Exploring olive oil: a guide to types and varietiesI*

Olive oil, a staple in Mediterranean cuisine, has garnered global acclaim for its health benefits and versatile uses. From enhancing flavors in dishes to...

Organizing Employee Travel: Selecting Accommodation for Business Trips*

When organizing employee travel for business purposes, choosing the right accommodation and managing travel expenses and allowances can be crucial. This article covers essential...

Effective Threshing Drum Balancing for Enhanced Combine Harvester Performance*

The threshing drum is a critical component of combine harvesters, responsible for separating grains from chaff and straw. Efficient operation of the threshing drum...

Architecture of villas on Koh Phangan island*

The island of Phangan, nestled in the Gulf of Thailand, is renowned not only for its pristine white beaches and lush forests but also...

Beyond the Slides: Comprehensive Services Offered by Pitch Deck Consultants

Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. When you hear 'pitch deck consultants', you might think it's all about jazzing up a few PowerPoint...
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