Tag: Architect

Spatial axis and rhythm

Spatial axis and rhythm, metric, variations

The world is created - traditional philosophy teaches - and everything that is created by human hands is created like the world. This idea, which...
Architectural theory of the first half of the XX century

Architectural theory of the first half of the XX century

In the book "The Crisis of European Humanity and Transcendental Phenomenology" written in the mid-30s of our century, the greatest philosopher, idealist of our...
Renaissance Architect

Renaissance Architect

The modern profession of architect originated in the Renaissance. In the changed historical conditions, an unusual type of customer first appeared. The new rulers...
Architectonics of the concept of architectural symmetry

Architectonics of the concept of architectural symmetry

Escher depicted lizards, different in color, but not distinguishable in shape, placed on a plane according to symmetry transformations. Thus, the symmetrical ones include such...
The Latest "Mind Architecture"

The Latest “Mind Architecture”

Scientific ideology and "intellectual control", according to the Italian critic of modern architecture Bruno Dzevi, can be called as analogies between the rationalism of...