Contemporary Architecture

Modernism. Definitions, characteristics, leaders of Modernism

Just as the concept of modernity can be understood in different ways, there have been many definitions of modernism in the literature and art...

Concept of elementary composition

The academic textbooks from the turn of the century also confirm the isolation of academic circles. Professor Julien Guadet emphasizes the importance of composition...

Genesis and context of the modern movement

Modernism in architecture emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. It was a natural consequence of the growing feeling in avant-garde circles that...

Spiral Village-Australian village of the future

Climate change occurring on the globe motivates the search for innovative solutions in architecture. An interesting concept was presented by Italian work Valentino Gareri...

Sun Rock – self-sufficient energy building in Taiwan

The MVRDV studio presented the project of a self-sufficient energy building called sun rock. The facility will be built in Changhua coastal industrial park...

Architecture – dissenting opinion

Architecture (at least, the area in which we are currently interested in) is part of the "art of life". Ideas expressed by architectural means...

The task of the architectural school of the XXI century

The modern movement of project culture is characterized by two circumstances coming from different roots. First, the imagination and diversity of interests of the current...

Modernism in Architecture between the two Wars

Since modernism is considered here in a strictly defined national framework, little attention is paid to the cultural network of the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy,...

What is remarkable about the architecture of the XXI century?

Cute streets, beautiful houses, old buildings - all this attracts tourists to Paris, Vienna, Venice, Rome and lesser-known but very beautiful places - somewhere...

Symmetry as an ideal of integrity, beauty and harmony remains the...

The symmetry of a work of architecture, being at the same time a property of both the process of perception and the structure itself,...

Distortion of image proportions

"Corrections" in the form of partial compensation for prospective reductions can be applied, but only under special conditions and mainly in order to improve...

Historical conventionality of the culturological approach to the study of symmetry...

It seems that the symmetry method is able to systematize and analyze the perception of a symmetrical object. The process of perception includes several...

Symbolic architectural understanding of space

The overlapping of several binary oppositions in the model of the world of ancient man could lead to four-membered complexes, for example, to the...

Transmission of horizontal and vertical lines on the plane of spatial...

When drawing architectural objects from nature, an essential part of the task is the transfer of the spatial position of horizontal and vertical lines...

Examples and features of constructing perspectives of various architectural objects

The perspective construction was carried out from the same observation point in the plan by the method of projections to the vertical, along with...

Architectural elements of the composition

In high-rise structures consisting of various volumes in the form of stepped, tiered and other compositions, when viewed from below, significant closures of the...

Characteristic features of the architecture of tomorrow

The more real construction turns into a process of creating a rigid technogenic environment, more and more reminiscent of some kind of realized dystopia...

Construction of perspective images of high-rise buildings

When constructing perspective images of high-rise buildings, an important role is played by the correct consideration of perspective vertical reduction. The method of projections...
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