What quality should the kitchen floor be? It seems to me that many housewives have thought about this question, because the kitchen is the most popular place in the house. It will certainly not be empty during the day, especially if a very large family lives in the apartment. Therefore, the floor here should be stable, soundproof, and also water-resistant. Having listed all these qualities, we can conclude that we need a reliable and high-quality tile. Before you start choosing, you need to think about everything and decide which tile to buy.
As a rule, something always boils, drips, cooks and splashes in the kitchen during cooking.
As a result of all this, a layer of greasy film forms on the walls, so the tile should be covered with a protective enamel coating.
Also, do not forget that this material must have a certain resistance and impact resistance to various types of loads.
To date, the market provides tiles of various types and quality. Now there is a porcelain tile on sale, which is covered with gloss, so that it does not slip and is ideal for the kitchen, but the price for it is very high, which is extremely inconvenient. Recently, in the latest developments, you can see the decoration of the walls in the kitchen with tiles of both small and very large size. The small-sized tile looks very nice, but there are also disadvantages. Unfortunately, the kitchen is not the place where there should be a lot of recesses. It is very difficult to take care of a surface of this kind, because seams, unfortunately, are the place where a lot of dirt and microorganisms accumulate.
How long the tile will last mainly depends on two factors. Firstly, the strength of the top layer, and secondly, the ability to resist tile abrasion.
Tiles, both small and large, will look beautiful in the kitchen. A large tile is much easier to fit, and a small one is more expensive in price and it is much harder to lay it. Although some consumers believe that from the point of view of elegance, a small tile still looks more beautiful, because it makes the room more elegant.
For a quality choice, it is best to buy tiles in specialized stores, before consulting with specialists who know everything about this product.
If you have decided which tile you want to buy. You can use online stores that also provide a wide selection of this product, and with delivery to any part of the country.