Now becoming the owner of a penthouse is not such an impossible dream. In our country, such apartments are very often presented in the form of an attic. The main distinguishing feature of such apartments is that some, and maybe all, rooms at once have beveled walls. A kind of attic. At first glance, it may seem that this is terribly inconvenient. But this is not always the case. If you approach the interior of attic rooms wisely, you will get an amazing result.
The non-standard layout of attic apartments itself pushes us to creative ideas. The main thing is to take into account some rules.
The most important thing is not to make a “witch’s attic” out of an attic room. It is necessary to immediately abandon dark walls and ceilings. The fact is that the light through the windows located literally on the ceiling will not illuminate the entire room. Therefore, the walls should be soft pastel colors. White, milky, beige, and blue colors are best suited. Such shades visually expand the space. If you still really want to make an accent in the room using dark colors, then cover one wall and the ceiling with a dark color. So, you will achieve the effect of merging the wall with the ceiling, and the room will again visually increase.
A bedroom or an office is best suited for attic-type rooms. Since the walls are at an angle, ordinary furniture may not fit. Usually in such rooms only one or two walls are beveled. It is better to place a bed or sofa near such walls. At equal high walls, put a cabinet, a bedside table. Otherwise, you will have to make furniture to order, taking into account the angle of the bevel of the walls. And this will obviously require extra costs. This is the main drawback of the attic – it is quite difficult to find suitable furniture.

The main thing when thinking over the interior of the attic is to choose only the most necessary items in the room. Put a bed, a desk or a coffee table to the window – this way you will get additional light, and at night you will be able to watch the stars. It is also important not to place objects too close to each other, unless, of course, you are a fan of constantly walking around furniture bent over.
There is another trick. In the arrangement of rooms, use long and as high as possible objects. Elongated paintings, a tall vase with bamboo – all this will give a little appearance of high ceilings, which are so lacking in attics. Plus, you can paste wallpaper with a pattern in the form of vertical lines. Also hang a couple of mirrors – this is another trick to create an infinity effect.
Don’t be afraid to try new things! Experiment, and you will be surprised at the result.