A lot of people currently have to live in a rented apartment. The period of stay there is not limited: this may last only a month or last for several years. So that you do not feel like a stranger in this apartment, make some corrections to the interior, and this, believe me, will create comfort and coziness for you for that short period of stay. Of course, it is not necessary to carry out major repairs, but the following points must be followed:
1. Remove all old things from your eyes. Unfortunately, many people face the presence of old things of the owners in a rented apartment. If you are going to live in it for a long time, then, of course, it will be unpleasant for you to constantly stumble into a box with an old TV in the corridor or endure old books piled in the corner. Your first task is to free up space, which is already small, and hide these items. If you want to get out of sight a broken refrigerator, a box with an old TV, an out-of-tune piano, then ask the owners for permission to fence off part of the corridor and arrange something like a storage room for these things there. You can put old toys, blankets, pillows, and even grandmother’s sets in boxes and take them out to the balcony. You can also arrange hanging cabinets in the apartment, where you will put all these small unnecessary things. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of junk that neither you nor the owners need (they simply will not allow it). But you will already create comfort in your temporary home if unnecessary things do not lie in prominent places.
2. Perform minor cosmetic repairs. This point is the most painful, since you don’t seem to be obliged to carry out any repairs in a rented dwelling, however, a peeling ceiling in the bathroom can spoil your mood every day even for six months. You should not rely on the promises of the owners to fix such minor defects when moving in. If the apartment was rented out without repair, then it will not threaten her soon. However, you can still paint the wall, fix the ceiling for your own comfort. In special hardware stores, you will be prompted with the necessary funds, and you will be able to make minor cosmetic repairs yourself. Do not spare this little money and your time, because you are trying first of all for yourself.
3. Give the furniture a more noble and new look. It is clear that you do not want to live in an apartment with old and dilapidated furniture, a worn table, inconspicuous curtains. Such an environment will be depressing. All these problems can be dealt with! On the walls of an inconspicuous color, you can glue panels of cheerful colors that can be found in any hardware store. Afterwards, you can easily remove them. The old upholstery of the sofa can be completely hidden with a bright bedspread. Damaged polishing on furniture can be restored by special means, which are sold in hardware stores and cost little money. Chairs with dilapidated upholstery will ennoble covers, even if sewn from cheap fabric. Cover an unsightly table with a cheerful tablecloth. And be sure to buy new curtains with an optimistic pattern! They are your gates to a new day, through which the sun looks at you and brings a wonderful mood.
4. Get rid of old dirt. Of course, in an apartment where the previous tenants cleaned somehow, you will not feel any comfort without a preliminary general cleaning. Make it even before you move into the apartment. Wash literally everything: cornices, ceiling lights, hard-to-reach corners, windows, furniture. Then your new apartment will meet you refreshed and bright.
Bring a piece of your world into a rented apartment, create your own special atmosphere there. Your home will be where you will be surrounded by dear hearts and memorabilia. Arrange photos of relatives and loved ones in the apartment, trinkets once given to you by friends, put your favorite books on the shelves. And then a rented apartment will really become your home, where you will hurry, albeit for a short time.